Dance, Dance!
If you’re like me, you are a terrible dancer.

And that’s okay.

I still like to do it (in private, when nobody can see me.  At all.), and I usually either:

A) Do Just Dance (I have #2).  It’s awesome, and really fun.
B) I have a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader video that teaches some of the routines.  They aren’t hard to learn, but they are a good work out.
C) Ever do the Macarena? Cupid Shuffle? Cha Cha slide?  I’m sure you have.  Pull up youtube and find the songs, then do the dances to them.  My favorite? Hoedown Throwdown!
D) Turn on your music and freestyle.  

Walking helps more than you think.  

I usually try to do 1-2 miles walking at a brisk pace.  It’s a great thing to get your heart pumping, your legs burning, and it just puts you in a better mood. 

You could even try going uphill part of the way to get the incline effect.  

I absolutely LOVE hiking.  And I don’t mean a walking trail, that’s walking.  I mean HIKING.

I am from Texas, so we don’t have many large mountains here.  We do have some small mountains, or giant hills, that have some hiking trails.  I love to climb over rocks and through the dirt.  Try to find a place in your town or nearby that has a hiking trail. Anything going up works.

YouTube It
Bored of the same old thing?  There are SO MANY tutorials on YouTube.  I did Yoga one morning by finding a video.  It’s awesome.

There are so many different ones, too.  And most of them you don’t need ANY equipment. 

I try not to do too many weights because I have inflammation in my chest from doing it.  The doctor said that can happen to girls pretty easily, so be careful. 

I usually use hand weights (and yes, that’s what I was using when I got the inflammation).  I use 3-7 pounds.  

I usually, honestly, just google some arm exercises that work well with the weights.  

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